Making a Line Graph in Google Sheets

Line Graphs show you varying data and stats across a period of time. I will show you how to make one in Google Sheets in just a few steps.

Step #1: Set the Axes

Making a Line Graph in Google Sheets Step 1

You will need a data table with at least two columns: one to set the x-axis, and one to set the y axis. 

The X-Axis will typically be some sort of variable counter, whether it is a trial number or some time frame. in this case, the x-axis will be the 12 months of the year. 

The Y-axis will be some numerical value associated with the parallel Y-Axis Cell. In this case, it is some random number between 1 and 6. 

Step #2: Insert Chart

Making a Line Graph in Google Sheets Step 2

Next, highlight your entire data table and click Insert on the toolkit located in the header. Then, in the drop-down menu, select the Chart option. That will insert a line graph with the data from your table ported into chart form.

Step #3: Customize

Making a Line Graph in Google Sheets Step 3

In the chart editor, you will see the Customize menu. This will let you edit and correct your line graph until you get what you want out of it.

This includes changing the color scheme, adding trendlines, etc.

And there you have it, that is how you create a line Graph in Google Sheets.

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