Use this technique to quickly find the sum of an entire column of data in Google Sheets quickly and effectively.
Without further ado, let's get right into it
=SUM(Column Cell Range)

To fill in the function as quickly as possible you should follow these steps:
- Select where you want to place the sum: I like to put my sum and calculation cells away from the actual data table.
- Use the "=SUM()" Formula: there is another post dedicated to understanding the SUM function.
- Reference the column: What I do is I like to do is click the first cell of teh column I want to sum and then I use the Keyboard Shortcut CRTL+SHIFT+DOWN. That will automatically highlight every cell for you. Alternatively, you could also name the cell range ahead of time (which is what I like to do) and save yourself the hassle in the moment.

Upon entering the formula, you should be provided with a sum of every cell in your desired column.
And there you have it; that is how you find the sum of an entire column within Google Sheets!