Expanding Columns in Google Sheets

Have you ever wanted to expand the width of every column in your data table? I will show you how to do so in just a few easy steps.

Step #1: Select the Columns

Expanding Columns in Google Sheets Step 1

First, you will want to highlight the Columns that you wish to expand. That means highlighting just the alphabetical cells that are on the top of every column. you can also select all of the columns by clicking the leftmost column-cell and pressing 


To select a specific section of your data table, hold the Shift Key and use the Left and Right Arrow Keys to select the columns to its immediate left or right.

Step #2: Drag to Expand/Compress

How to Expand Columns in Google Sheets Step 2

Now, you will actually be able to expand and compress at the same width for the entire selected range. Hover your mouse over the white boundary line between two of the column-cells until the black arrow cursor icon appears.

To Expand the: Click and Drag the mouse to the right to your desired width.

To Compress: Click and Drag the mouse to the left to your desired width.

You can continue to expand and compress until your rows reach the desired height.

That is how you Expand and Compress columns in Google Sheets.

Click here to learn how to expand or compress Rows in Google Sheets.

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